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  • Data security and confidentiality

    Pontta has an exclusive cloud server for your company, providing speed and a high level of data security.


    Access from anywhere with an internet connection. Have all the information you need wherever you are.

    Team of experts

    Count on the experience of a company that understands your business and products developed exclusively to meet the furniture industry segment.

    Increase your sales

    With process optimization and automation, your company will be ready to grow and increase sales.

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      Soluções de Pontta a Pontta

      Somos uma empresa especializada no desenvolvimento de soluções de software de gestão específico para
      o segmento de móveis. Contamos com uma equipe de especialistas no setor moveleiro, o que
      agiliza e facilita o sucesso das implantações e consultoria para nossos clientes.

      Pontta Store

      Complete, simple, and efficient management for your store

      Ideal for custom, individual, and mixed furniture stores.

      Used by hundreds of furniture stores, easy to use, and with a highly intuitive interface, Pontta Store seamlessly extracts budgets from any 3D design software. It provides comprehensive store management from customer intake to the delivery of installed furniture.

      Pontta Marcenaria

      The best market solution developed exclusively for carpentry shops

      Pontta Marcenaria is an integrated solution that works with any 3D design software. It is specifically configured for small and medium-sized businesses that need to manage sales, finance, inventory, purchasing, production, delivery, assembly, and technical support.

      Pontta ERP

      The best management and production software for furniture factories and industries

      A software specifically developed for the furniture industry, integrated with all 3D design software, is the best choice for your factory or industry to optimize sales and production processes, reduce operational costs, and control purchasing, inventory, administrative, financial, and fiscal departments.

      Transforme a Gestão
      do seu negócio
      com a Pontta

      Descubra em apenas 1 minuto o que a Pontta Tecnologia
      faz pelo seu negócio.

      Planos sob medida para sua Loja de Móveis

      Essential Plan

      + adesão de sistema (Implantação e treinamento)
      Includes 8 users and 1 fiscal unit

      For Custom Furniture Stores
      • Pre and post-sales commercial activities
      • Kanban and workflow management
      • Delivery and assembly
      • Technical support
      • Financial and electronic invoicing (NF-e)

      Premium Plan Monthly

      + adesão de sistema (Implantação e treinamento)
      Includes 10 users and 1 fiscal unit

      For Individual Piece Furniture Stores
      • Pre and post-sales commercial activities
      • Kanban and workflow management
      • Delivery and assembly
      • Technical support
      • Financial and electronic invoicing (NF-e)
      • Inventory and purchasing

      O plano ideal para Marcenarias

      Carpentry Shop

      mensalidade sob consulta
      + adesão de sistema (Implantação e treinamento)
      Includes 8 users and 1 fiscal unit

      For Small Carpentry Shops

      O plano ideal para Fábricas e Indústrias de Móveis

      Plus Plan

      mensalidade sob consulta
      + adesão de sistema (Implantação e treinamento)
      Includes 15 users and 1 fiscal unit

      For Medium-sized Carpentry Shops and Furniture Factories

      Enterprise Plan

      mensalidade sob consulta
      + adesão de sistema (Implantação e treinamento)
      Includes 20 users and 1 fiscal unit

      For Furniture Factories and Large Industries

      Acelere o crescimento da sua empresa com a Pontta

      Contrate Agora

      A solução ERP que mais cresce no setor moveleiro

      satisfação dos
      nossos clientes
      empresas que estão
      crescendo com a Pontta
      anos de

      Nossos clientes falam por nós

      O atendimento é um grande diferencial

      Entre em Contato

      Fale com um consultor especializado através dos nossos canais de atendimento ou solicite um orçamento abaixo.

      Solicitar orçamento